(703) 444-0662 Hours 21620 RIDGETOP CIRCLE STE 150, STERLING, VA 20166
(703) 444-0662 Hours 21620 RIDGETOP CIRCLE STE 150, STERLING, VA 20166

“Most New Year’s resolutions are actually January resolutions. We’re so eager to have an amazing month that we exhaust ourselves in the first three weeks of the year and never make it to February.” – Jon Acuff in “Finish”

So how do we make real, lasting change?

Don’t be so hard on yourself.

Make that resolution something you enjoy.

Give yourself lots of time.

Regardless of what you “mess up,” always move forward.

“But if my goal is to get in shape—what’s enjoyable about that??”


Make the process enjoyable!

1) Find an approach to diet and/or exercise that you actually enjoy. Using something that feels like punishment on a daily basis is a surefire way to not make it to February.

2) Get involved with others on the same path. Whether that’s joining a gym and cleaning up your diet along with a friend, or getting into something with a built in social aspect, it helps to make the whole process more enjoyable.

The above two tips are just a small part of why BSP NOVA members tend to make lasting change.  We don’t force specific types of training on anyone (no one size fits all programming here), but rather find out what they enjoy and work towards doing more of that!

And both our semi-private and group training options take the social aspect into account.  While we take your goals and safety very serious, we also work hard to provide an environment where our people feel comfortable being themselves and have a great time in the company of others.

Ready to try BSP NOVA?

About the author

Strength Coach/ B.S. Kinesiology, Pennsylvania State University/ Functional Range Conditioning Mobility Specialist/ FMS/ Strong First Level 1 Certified Kettlebell Instructor/ Owner of Beyond Strength Performance, LLC, Beyond Strength Performance NOVA, LLC, and Beyond Strength Performance Tactical, LLC
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